The benefits of CIPD accreditation for human resource managers

MSc Global Human Resource Management

27 Sep 2021

Planning to study Global Human Resource Management at master's level?

A CIPD-accredited course demonstrates you've achieved the highest professional standards

Whether you recruit, train and manage people directly, or develop company strategy instead, people management can be rewarding and satisfying. In a shifting political, legal, economic and technological landscape, it’s also challenging and complex.

Our MSc Global Human Resource Management (HRM) is accredited against the new CIPD Level 7 standards. It not only equips you with practical experience, advanced skills and knowledge, but also demonstrates you’ve achieved the highest professional standards.

“Is this MSc worth it?”

If you’re asking yourself this question or something similar, don’t worry, you’re not alone!

Deciding to study a master’s qualification represents a big commitment of time, money and hard work on your part. It’s only natural to want reassurance that the course you choose is the one that’s going to bring you the most benefit.

That’s where our CIPD accreditation comes in – as you’ll discover below, it evidences your relevant professional knowledge, capabilities and impact to current and future employers.

Who is the CIPD?

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has been championing the world of work for more than 100 years. Now known as the CIPD, it lobbies for better working conditions, conducts independent research and oversees professional standards for 160,000 global members.

Granted a Royal Charter in 2000, it is the only professional body in the world that can confer individual Chartered status on human resources (HR) and learning and development (L&D) professionals.

What is CIPD accreditation?

The CIPD launched its new professional standards (Profession Map) in January 2021. These set the international benchmark for the skills, knowledge and expertise required of HR and L&D professionals.

Accredited under this new framework, our course meets the requirements for CIPD HR Professional Map at Advanced Level 7 - Strategic People Management.

CIPD-accredited courses like ours have met rigorous entry criteria and demonstrated a commitment to the highest standards of practice in HR and L&D.

As such, they are recognised by employers as a global standard of excellence, which will:

  • give you the knowledge and skills you need to excel at what you do

  • strengthen your reputation at work and the connections with the people you work with

  • connect you to the professional future you’ve always dreamed of

  • connect you to a large network of other people professionals

  • connect you to the latest developments in the world of work.

Is CIPD accreditation recognised internationally?

Many employers insist on CIPD qualifications as a minimum job requirement. One 2019 UK study found that of 200 senior HR job adverts, 135 stated that a CIPD qualification was essential.

The CIPD currently works with employers across the globe, including Babcock International, the BBC, Deloitte, M&S and Standard Chartered.

Not only are its own standards recognised internationally, but it is proactively engaged in directing and developing international HR standards.

For example, two CIPD staff and several CIPD members are currently representing the UK on a 30-country project to develop an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for Human Resource Management (ISO TC260).

How do I become a CIPD member?

When you join the course you will apply to become a student member of the CIPD which gives you access to their extensive resources that will help you with your studies.

When you successfully complete our CIPD-accredited MSc, you will be eligible to apply for Associate membership of the CIPD and to use the designation Assoc CIPD after your name. (If you have relevant work experience you will be eligible to apply for Chartered membership).

CIPD membership gives you a badge of professionalism that is internationally recognised and connects you to a deeply informed and influential network of people professionals worldwide.

You’ll have opportunities to attend local events, network with senior professionals and executives, and (at additional cost) access various training and development activities.

Why study our MSc in Global Human Resource Management?

The University of Portsmouth’s online MSc in Global Human Resource Management prepares graduates from any background for careers anywhere in the world, managing people who may be based in multiple countries or operating across borders.

The need for a global perspective has become increasingly important now that companies are more diverse and international than ever before.

HR strategy often involves cultural, ethical or wellbeing considerations, and varying government legislation or union practices. Our course utilises real organisations and practical work to further your learning.

You’ll also have the option to develop an HR action plan for your current place of work, making it an excellent course to advance your career.

How will I study?

Our part-time, online Master's means you can study anywhere, anytime, whenever it suits you. Plus, three start dates mean you can choose to begin your course in February, May or September:

Explore the course 

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