Careers and opportunities for MSc Risk, Crisis and Resilience Management graduates

After graduating from our MSc Risk, Crisis and Resilience Management, your ability to use data analysis and critical thinking to evaluate problems can be applied immediately to a wide range of organisations.

Individuals with the ability to identify, assess, and manage risks effectively are increasingly sought-after by employers. After all, for many companies, risk management is a core, legal requirement.

With the expertise you gain on our course, you’ll be well-equipped to secure a role in your industry of specialisation. As you continue to gain experience, the transferrable skills you possess could also open you up to a variety of progression opportunities, including new industries.

What specialisations can I consider? 

Roles open to MSc graduates could include, but are not limited to:

  • Risk analyst
    Individuals in this role
    work closely with organisations to detect, assess, and monitor the risks present to them. Risk analysts also use their analysis skills to predict future trends and make recommendations based on them.
  • Risk manager
    Risk managers identify, evaluate, and manage risks that could threaten a company. They implement processes and procedures to minimise or avoid risks, in order to help safeguard both the organisation and its stakeholders.
  • Disaster manager
    Also known as emergency managers, people in this position help prepare for and respond to disasters. They collaborate with other professionals in their field to organise plans that reduce risk and harm in the event of disasters like floods, hurricanes, and terrorist attacks.
  • Crisis management analyst
    Specialists in this area plan and establish responses to major crises that could occur within an organisation, from fires to security breaches. They also prepare recovery plans and help manage their execution.
  • Operational resilience manager
    People in this profession
    help companies adapt and successfully function during times of disruption or change. This includes setting up strategic frameworks that utilise insights from past events to prepare for future risks.
  • Risk officer
    Risk officers aid the consideration and mitigation of internal or external risks to an organisation. They also strive to ensure the company takes advantage of any opportunities that can place it in a competitively advantageous position.
  • Risk consultant
    Individuals specialising in this career collaborate with clients to assess the risks to which they may be vulnerable. Risk consultants use their expertise to develop well-informed frameworks and policies that minimise the chance of any loss to a client’s business.
Disaster managers respond to disasters like oil spills

Careers and employability service

Regardless of where your interest lies, we’ll be here to support you as well. You can access our Careers and Employability Service for up to five years following graduation – giving you a reliable resource for 1-to-1 career advice, employability workshops, CV reviews, and more. 

Risk management mitigates factors like flooding

Risk management is a major priority for many organisations and our MSc will give you the knowledge and experience to create a robust risk culture. You can start in February, May or September.

Explore the course

Risk management professional