What's the impact of globalisation on human resource management?

MSc Global Human Resource Management | Online learning

11 Apr 2022

What's the impact of globalisation on human resource management?

Today, as the world becomes more connected thanks to globalisation, the duties of HRM, too, have changed.

Explore the broad influence of globalisation on Human Resource Management (HRM) in the interconnected world.

In the contemporary landscape of business, the term 'globalisation' has become a pervasive buzzword, signifying the interconnectedness of our world in ways previously unimaginable.

As our planet has become increasingly connected through technology and communication, this phenomenon has inevitably made its mark on various facets of business operations. One of the areas most significantly impacted by globalisation is Human Resource Management (HRM). 

Understanding globalisation in HRM 

In essence, globalisation has transformed HRM into a dynamic and multifaceted discipline, necessitating new approaches to effectively manage a diverse and distributed workforce. The profound influence of globalisation is not limited to one specific aspect of HRM; instead, it permeates various dimensions, including recruitment, talent management, employee development, and even the very nature of the workplace itself. 

The technological revolution 

Technology is a cornerstone of the globalisation phenomenon, and its impact on HRM is undeniable. With the advent of digitalisation, HR professionals are now able to leverage technology to streamline their processes, foster cross-border collaboration, and enhance employee engagement. 

Read our guide to how globalisation has transformed HRM technology:

Explore globalisation and tech 

Recruitment on a global scale 

Recruitment, in particular, has witnessed a significant transformation. The global talent pool is now accessible to organisations around the world, breaking down traditional barriers and facilitating the hiring of top talent regardless of geographical location. Online platforms, video interviews, and automated applicant tracking systems have become integral tools, reducing time-to-hire and simplifying the recruitment process.

Find out more about the impact of globalisation on recruitment:

Explore globalisation and recruitment 

Managing a diverse workforce 

Globalisation has also led to a more diverse workforce. Organisations today often consist of employees from various cultural backgrounds, each bringing unique perspectives and skills to the table. Managing this diversity effectively has become a critical aspect of HRM. 

Adapting to legal and cultural differences 

In the globalised world, HR professionals must navigate an intricate web of legal regulations and cultural differences. Employment laws can vary significantly from one country to another, making compliance a complex challenge. Cultural sensitivity and cross-cultural communication skills are crucial for maintaining a harmonious and productive work environment. 

Remote work and flexibility 

The concept of work itself has been redefined in the wake of globalisation. The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated the adoption of remote work, making it a necessity for many organisations. This shift has allowed companies to tap into talent from virtually anywhere in the world, leading to more flexible and remote-friendly HR policies. 


Globalisation has undeniably reshaped the landscape of HRM. Technology and recruitment are just two facets of the broader impact. As businesses continue to evolve in this interconnected world, HR professionals must adapt, embracing innovative solutions and strategies to effectively manage their workforce. 

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