Data Analytics Glossary

You might not be too familiar with all the technical terms being used in relation to data analytics – and that’s more than okay. To help you out, we’ve broken down some words and phrases below.

Data mining – The process of discovering patterns or relationships in large volumes of data.

Text analytics / text mining – The process of transforming unstructured text into meaningful data for analysis by an organisation.

Big data – Big data refers to the collection of data at a scale too large or fast to be processed by traditional data-processing application software.

Intelligent data – Data that has been collected, analysed, and presented in a way that’s meaningful and thereby beneficial to an organisation.

Business intelligence – Business intelligence refers to the processes and technologies used by organisations to collect, store, and analyse data.

Data warehouse – A system that handles the storage of large amounts of data so that it can be analysed by an organisation.

Machine learning – The use of artificial intelligence to provide systems with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience.

Supercomputer – A computer with massive computing power, far above that of general-use computers.

Scale-out – The process of connecting lower-performance machines to collectively handle the work of a more advanced one.

Computer cluster – A group of computers connected through a  Local Area Network (LAN), performing as a single system.


Get the skills to translate complex data sets into solutions for businesses with the University of Portsmouth’s part-time, online MSc in Data Analytics:

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