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Discover the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in risk, crisis, and resilience management from our distinguished faculty at this exclusive online event focusing on the online MSc.

We will bring you real-world experience and cutting-edge knowledge to empower you in a rapidly evolving landscape. With insight from industry experts on how to mitigate new and emerging threats, learn how our online MSc course will make you a specialist in steering companies through crises. 

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- The application of what they learn, it happens in different stages. So I would probably say there's four major types of application I would say. So there's probably application through dissertations, applications and assignments, applications in the court system. So probably within guided practice. And also conversations- applications through conversations [INAUDIBLE].

So starting off with the first one through the dissertation or normally students undertake or take the opportunity to use the Masters to actually use it as a case study or a case project. So where they can actually find out potential-- risks for potential issues within the organization. And they can then tailor the dissertation to help the organization in some certain way. I definitely saw this in the field of crisis communication.

I think someone in Denmark actually did one on crisis communication and COVID-19, where they actually looked to and made up a model to improve the crisis communication future dynamic.


For the current trends on hot topics, this is always an interesting question, because again, how risk management is, is really one of those-- risk is literally in everything. In every different sector, there's some type of risk management that you need to do. So it'll be in twofold. So, for example, if there are anything popular within your sector, should we say, you will be pretty sure that there would be some risk element that you need to consider. But in general, I would say the advent of the new AI tools and language models, that actually is one of those things that are quite, quite interesting and very new and nascent, and developing.

And you see within the space, all the conversations about how this might affect decision making, and how it can affect organizations would be very, very interesting moving forward. There's also with regards to cybersecurity, that's always a hot topic because of how technology is always rapidly advancing. That as well, it's always a good topic.

And it's always important to consider the interconnectivity of topics as well. So you may be able to probably kind look at probably how language models and cybersecurity or how AI tools and deepfakes may affect cybersecurity.

These are the things that as risk professionals, you should be able to conceptualize, to think how would you mitigate these issues if they do happen. Another hot topic is actually ESG within a company. So that's the environmental, social, and governance of organizations, and how they kind of go about being more ESG compliant.

That's another heavy topic that a lot of companies would like to look at. And also with regards to coming up of COVID, business continuity is another very, very important one, where organizations are looking for individuals in the business space that would help companies move forward with their business and help them survive in case of disruption.

But Yeah, those are the more recent hot topics. And obviously, there's like climate change and so forth. But I just wanted to mention too is that [INAUDIBLE] mentioned other than the grand one.


I think the awareness for it is at an all time high. And I think a lot of organizations just seeing the value of risk management-- and risk management as a whole, taking it in its entirety, and looking at the different aspects. I think a lot of organizations is seeing the benefits of it just over the effects of COVID-19. Again kind of moving away from that side of the approach, they realized there's a lot of interconnectivity between three of the elements as well.

And they all feed within each other. So you kind of have to take everything into consideration. And I think that is what the Masters kind of brings as well because of the holistic view of the topic, you would see integrations between all of the different elements, because all of them need each other to be as optimal as possible. So Yeah, I think this one is a thing with crisis and resilience management. Kind of gives us a really good approach as to the future of the entire risk as a space. I don't think it will just specifically be the traditional siloed risk management.

I think it will always have to consider the extra steps of if something does happen, how do we respond? And if something does happen, how do we build back or become better to prevent it from happening again? And to see how they all feed within each other as well.


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